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Guide to the Center

Welcome to the Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Cluster, the future of the global medical industry!

A strong and reliable strategic partner
for collaborating businesses!

신약개발 지원센터 외관
신약개발 지원센터 모습
신약개발 지원센터 모습
신약개발 지원센터 모습
신약개발 지원센터 모습
신약개발 지원센터 모습
신약개발 지원센터 모습

Secure global competitiveness in developing chemically synthesized pharmaceutical products

Support for drug development through chemical synthesis using molecular targeted therapy
Support for candidates optimization, one of the most difficult aspects of the domestic new drug development industry
Pharmacological assessment of three major diseases (tumors, diabetes and metabolic diseases, and brain and neurological disorders)

About the New Drug Development Center

Purpose of establishment

Building a new, world-class drug infrastructure to support the development of clinical drug candidates, a vulnerable field in the domestic drug development process.

Major functions

  • By building infrastructure on a global scale to support the development of new drug candidates, the New Drug Development Center accelerates the drug discovery process and facilitates the transfer of technologies to pharmaceutical firms.
  • The center provides basic technologies for the generation of drug candidates such as molecular modeling, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacological assays, pre-clinical safety evaluations, biophysical characterizations, initial formulations, process chemistry, and more.

Supporting government ministries

Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning / Ministry of Health and Welfare


  • Description: land area: 28,500 m2; total floor area: 22,998 m2 (1 basement level, 9 aboveground levels)
  • Major facilities: collaborative research facilities, research evaluation facilities, etc.

Floor plan

  • Air conditioning and heating room, fan room 9F
  • Pharmaceutical chemistry, process chemistry 7F-8F
  • Analysis Team/Analysis Equipment Team, DDS Team,
    Pharmacological Assessment Team 5F-6F
  • Molecular Modeling Team, efficacy, safety, Pharmacokinetics 3F-4F
  • Laboratory rental, Office of the Center Director, office 2F
  • Convenience facilities, cafeteria, computer room 1F
  • Wastewater disposal, boiler, power generation, etc. B1

Purpose of establishment

R&D platform for open new drug development

R&D strategies focusing on leading technologies

The next generation platform for base technologies Innovation target exploration and new materials discovery Optimization of lead compounds and establishment of drug pipelines

Establishment of a phased collaboration system

Establishment of a national open new drug development R&D platform

(New Drug Development Center, Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation)

  • Continue to identify next-generation new drug lead compounds
  • Establish a base for the continuous supply of drug pipelines
  • Create a base for bioindustry growth

Source: 2017 chemically synthesized drug pipeline development projects, REP Research Foundation